Oct 27, 2009

Today was..well.. Normal

Yaw !!

Im damn bored.. Nothing special happened 2day.. My voice was kinda funny though.. heh..
Im like having a scratchy kinda weird voice.. BAHAHAHA !!

School was OKAYY !! Cikgu Suhaila didnt come.. I was so happy bout dat. I hate her.. Woahh ! Dat's harsh.. Let me say it in a nicer way.. " I dont really like her " .. Dats better.. I think she hates our class.. But who the hell care's,, right ?? right ??

Soo.. what more I can tell you people..

I know !! I notice that my school has alot drama.. And I'm.. well.. kinda sick of it..
And I always wonder why my school is full of ugly boys.. The chinese are freakin' hot while the malays are plain ugly.. I cant score a chinese.. You know how damn hard it is.. The malays think thier hot but actually they are NOT.. The indians.. I dont give a damn about them.. except for Vinod (my classmate).. His nice.. And sumtimes rude in a disturbing way.. BAHAHA..

Dat's all Im gonna write for now..
Toodles. BAHAHAHA.. So nympho-ish..
Bye bye bye bye bye..

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